Feb 2013 students

Feb 2013 students
Diploma awards

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

4N networking.A Regional Director`s feedback by Stef Thomas

I believe that everyone who chooses to be in business sometimes needs a little help. For me, it was breaking through a number of self imposed barriers, mainly based around me not being confident enough to take my business to where I know it deserved to be.

Sam Weller of Hypnotic Tracks has helped me enormously, firstly by helping me to understand that I wasn’t actually afraid of failing, I was much more afraid that I might be really successful. Using hypnotherapy and what Sam calls ‘right brain coaching‘ I have successfully and quickly dealt with these barriers and have watched as my business has grown.

As well as working one-to-one with Sam, in my weekly 1 hour hypnotherapy session, Sam offers a number of downloadable self-hypnosis tracks including Supreme Business Confidence, Achieve Your Goals and Public Speaking Excellence, all of which I use regularly in between hypnotherapy sessions.

Sam is based in Oxfordshire and helps clients all over the world – working on live video link for those clients who are too far away to visit him in person.

It certainly works for me and, if you think you would like some help with taking your business forward then visit the Hypnotic Tracks site.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Hypnotherapy for stop smoking

Along with anxiety and weight loss the most common booking.
So how does it work? Firstly a very strong desire factor to become a non-smoker must be in place. What we call “readiness for change”. It is important to test that desire factor because if it does not work, you as the hypnotherapist get the blame. Good news does not always travel, bad news almost certainly does.

Terms of business will also establish working patterns, timescales, and payment structure. This is upfront for 3 sessions. If someone quibbles then the commitment is not there. Best not to take them on.

First session breaks the habit, the following two is changing over to non –smoker, stopping is not enough.
Positive programming works best on the emotion that it feels good not to smoke in any given situation, as opposed to feeling deprived.

I do not practise single session stop smoking hypnotherapy with guarantees throw in and fancy success rates.

After all who independently monitors the “success rates" and for how long? Alan Car stated a 90% success rate based on a refund rate of 10% hardly the same thing.
Stress plays a big part in why people smoke, and why they go back to smoking.

In my experience smokers come in three categories
Ritual-likes a cigarette in the evening with a drink
Habitual-light up when they wake up in the morning, drink, without even thinking.
Addiction -addicted to nicotine and must smoke to satisfy the carvings
Smoking is highly addictive a couple of puffs and you could be off again; therefore social smoking is not an option. All or nothing you either smoke or you do not. Simple.

Many have used patches, nicotine replacement therapy, gum, zyban, champix, and good old-fashioned will power. Some have stopped usually will power.
However if your feelings are working for you then they are giving you an edge.
Post hypnotic triggers can help if somebody has the urge to smoke and a back up CD/MP3 is always handy to have, to keep the positive momentum going without the expense of extra sessions.
A relaxing induction whether it be 1to 1, CD/MP3 also helps to counter stress.

Sam Weller

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

hypnosis and sales

Mention hypnosis and sales and people think of swinging pendulums and hypnotic selling powers, where the client can be made against their will to sign up to anything.

Selling is emotional it’s a roller coaster ride. Many in sales management think you can control outputs. That’s an illusion. You can control inputs and reactions to outputs. So 2/3.

To sell effectively you have to be able to keep going, and keep your confidence going when results are going against you. It’s easy to sell on the back of results.

Many companies prepare their sales people technically and only pay lip service to vital sales skills. Mental preparation is ignored completely.
So how does it work in a sales setting? Firstly the ability to be able to build rapport is key.

You have to be able to read the clients body language, which reveals from the subconscious what they are feeling. What they say and what they feel might be different.

The subconscious and tends to be more honest. Doing business is a contract of trust between 2 people, so your own body language must be open without any defensive gestures or clusters of defensive gestures.

Reading buying signals is key and having an understand of the clients acuity state and seeing by eye signals if they are constructing or remembering.

Pacing the client is also key to building rapport at a subconscious, people generally buy with emotion and qualify with logic.

To sell effectively you need energy and post hypnotic key words and triggers can help you boost your energy labels when required. You work 3 times harder than the client.

Energy is needed for supreme concentration as you must be an active listener and able to understand the client’s personality type so you can build rapport.

No different from running a hypnotherapy session with a client.

Sam Weller
Certified Hypnotherapist
Ex-sales trainer and manager

Saturday, 3 July 2010

hypnosis and weight loss

Weight loss for some can be eternal. Why? Each new diet or new re-cycled diet offers the same. If you look a word diet first 3 letters are DIE.
Unfortunately all these diets work on the starvation principle of some sort, and drastically reduced calories. Or by eating solid protein, to living off a boring liquid diet. None of them address the relationship to food, which is a lifetime one.
Diets slow down the metabolism after 4 days the body shuts down and goes into starvation made protecting the very calories you are trying to loose.
Metabolism slows right down. When you start eating again the weight piles back on and with an almost wrecked metabolism the pounds pile back on.
Anybody been there before?
Dieticians and so called experts do not tell you that the body likes and needs good old fat, it serves a useful propose. Supplies us with a food store in times of starvation and keeps us warm. Unlike muscle, which is cosmetic, and burns off calories.
The subconscious mind still acts as if we were in the cave.
Diets do not address this in any way shape or form. The key is to work with the body. The body will accept weight loss of 2lbs a week. Any more is fluid and muscle tissue. If the weight is lost slowly it will stay off. Therefore no more yo-yo effect.
And another cycle of dieting with the latest wonder diet.
Working with the body is the key.
Everybody knows what he or she should and should not eat. The key is feeling good about going it.
Unfortunately we live in an age of easy and instant with miracle diets offering absurd amounts of weight loss in a matter of days or weeks. We have helped clients to lose weight who have tried every diet under the sun. Always the same.
Hypnotherapy is a process whereby you can work with the body and feel good about doing the things that you know you should be doing. Once you are into a rhythm the weight comes off, slowly and naturally and safely and stays off.
Psychologically you feel good, as long lost confidence in your ability to lose weight returns as you have finally found something that works
You lose weight once not a hundred times!!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Free live hypnosis session Sat 5th June 6.00pm

This session will be on relaxation & confidence.To join in just hit this link

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Stress help for UK carers

Stress help for Carers
No matter how deeply you care for the person you are caring for, the fact is being a carer is stressful. Stress is damaging in the long term because it can lead to illness, depression and exhaustion. You may well feel you are coping with your caring role, however there may come a time when you experience higher than normal levels of stress.

To enable you to continue your caring role effectively and also to ensure your own health does not suffer it is important to be able to deal with stress in a practical and easily applied way.

Whether the person you provide care for has a mental or physical disability makes very little difference, it is the continual and constant having to care for them that can be so physically and emotionally draining.
Why does a carer become stressed?
The cause of your carer stress might be complex. You could be worried about the health of the person you love and care for, or the attitudes of other members of the family. You may well feel guilty about the way you feel sometimes.

Stress can potentially put a strain on relationship due to the continual stress experienced by the carer and possibly the perceived lack of support from the partner. Lack of support and feeling totally isolated in your role a carer can all play a part in making you feel worse. Carers have to maintain relationships with other people outside the home.
Common feelings to carers
The pressure of being a carer may lead to anger and a feeling of a loss of control. This can be very damaging. Sometimes it can be very hard to cope with these feelings as well as having to care for someone. You may well feel guilty for feelings of anger towards the person you are caring for.
Stress symptoms
As a carer you may not have the time to think about how you are coping and how you are feeling. Symptoms of stress include irritability and generally feeling more emotionally drained and perhaps tearful, lack of appetite or perhaps eating too much and putting on weight. Not being able to sleep or waking up early. General feelings of feeling anxiety. A suppressed immune system can mean, more virus infections than usual, lack of energy, short temper and raised blood pressure.

You might feel isolated, pessimistic and almost overwhelmed as a carer. All these raw emotions create stress. When your body is stressed you have more stress hormone called cortisol in your body. If levels of cortisol are too high for too long then blood pressure goes up, digestion is suppressed causing stomach problems and sleep is driven out. Stress is not only harmful to your health and well-being, it can also damage your relationships, so it's vital to identify the causes of stress and be able to tackle them as soon as possible in a practical and cost effective manner.
Stress and the cure
If you are a carer for someone else then chances are you are neglecting your own needs to some extent. You have needs for:
To be able to relax
Quality sleep and rest
Quality relationships
Feeling safe and secure
A sense of connection to your family and community
Be able to enjoy yourself
Achieving your own goals in life
Your caring role may prevent you getting some of your needs being met. Being able to relax is so important. When you relax your stress hormone levels level out, your blood pressure becomes normal and your immune system works better.

To enable you to feel relaxed and cope as a carer Wellerassociates working in partnership with Guideposts Trust have produced a range of MP3s and CDs. 50% of any income generated goes back to the Trust.

All you have to do is listen in the comfort of your own home at a time of your choosing. Sam Weller has been a hypnotherapist since 1989,with extensive experience of stress management. As part of his working arrangement with Guideposts Trust Sam will be accessible to answer your questions and provide an on going counselling and support service when ever needed, and for as long as needed.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Wellerassociates are now introducing live online interactive hypnotherapy sessions for clients and students.

It is a very simple process first we need what the session is required for and what day and time you require the session.
Once you have connected to the link we are ready to run the session.

You will see and hear Sam and there is a chatroom for discussion afterwards.
The session will be run exactly the same as a one to one hypnotherapy session.
Payment is made before the session starts by credit card or paypal. (Or in advance by cheque)
Our usual terms of business will apply and be sent in advance.
Fee per session is £35

We are now able to offer a full range of services for clients that wish to use hypnotherapy in the format best suited to them.

· From one to one hypnotherapy £65 per session
· Live Online hypnotherapy sessions £35
· Hypnotictracks downloads £22.50 with full ongoing coaching back up and support
· Basic download £9.99

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

weight loss

Weight loss for some can be the eternal how to, each “new” diet or new “re-cycled” diet offers the same. If you look at the word diet the first 3 letters are DIE. (Death of the metabolism)

Unfortunately all these diets work on the starvation principle of some sort, and drastically reduced calorie intake.

Or by eating solid protein, or by living off a boring liquid diet. None of them address the relationship to food, which is a lifetime one. A person’s weight gain quite often is down to emotional eating, and the stressors that may course this. Eating can provide comfort and then someone eats what he or she wants, as opposed to what they need, they gain weight.

Diets slow down the metabolism, after 4 days of starvation the body shuts down and goes into starvation mode protecting the very calories you are trying to loose.

Metabolism slows right down and you feel lethargic. When you start eating again the weight piles back on and with a metabolism the pounds will keep piling back on.

Anybody been there before?

Dieticians and so called experts do not tell you that the body likes and needs good old fat, it serves a useful propose. Supplies us with a foodstore in times of starvation and keeps us warm. Unlike muscle, which is cosmetic, and burns off calories.

The subconscious mind still acts as if we were in the cave.
Diets do not address this in any way shape or form. The key is to work with the body. The body will accept weight loss of 2lbs a week maybe a little more. Much more than this and the weight loss is fluid and muscle tissue. In extreme cases the body will break down internal organ tissue to synthesis the protein and feed itself.

If the weight loss is slow it stays off. Therefore no more “yo-yo” effect, and another cycle of dieting/weight loss/gain with the latest “make you thin” wonder diet.
Working with the body is the key.

Everybody knows what he or she should and should not eat. The key is feeling good about going it.

Unfortunately we live in an age of easy and instant with those seductive miracle diets offering absurd amounts of weight loss in a matter of days or weeks. I have helped clients to lose weight who have tried every diet under the sun. Always the same. People know they are a con but just have to give it one last try

Hypnosis is a process whereby you can work with the body and feel good about doing the things that you know you should be doing. Once you are into a rhythm the weight comes off, slowly, naturally, safely and stays off.

Psychologically you feel good, as long lost confidence in your ability to lose weight returns as you have finally found something that you can work with.
You lose weight once not a hundred times!!

Sam Weller
Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practise

Thursday, 1 April 2010

hypnotherapy training

Wellerassociates training
Wellerassociates will be running hypnotherapy diploma courses from Sept. 2010 at the Holiday Inn Express Swindon and Jury’s Milton Keynes.

Principal Sam Weller has been a hypnotherapist for 20 years trained by the renowned Gil Boyne.

The GHR standards consul validates the course.
Sams training experience, Regional training manager for a large financial services company, Tutor for Chrysalis and Director of Training for the Academy of Clinical and Medical hypnosis.

The hypnotherapy diploma course will be run over 5x 2-day modules with emphasis on practical application.
3 months of coaching /supervision/ support will be offered at no extra cost.
No interest is charged for instalment payments.

Further details

Sam Weller Principal SQHP (Senior Qualification Hypnotherapy Practise)
01608 645445

“Sam’s experience in sales and proactive marketing was a helpful tool in the training as it gave a real insight into how a therapist can develop quickly and what is effective at securing clients. He also has a vast knowledge of different techniques which were brought in when relevant to the training.

Sam was personable and enjoyable to work with. I didn’t feel I was being ‘trained’ I felt as if he was helping me to learn. Too many people cannot connect with their classes and talk at the students, with Sam it was very much a synchronised effort to learn the knowledge and I felt that they really cared about my qualification”.

Tom Blackman
UK body building champion

Our training centres are within easy reach of the following
Milton Keynes for Bedford,Northampton,Watford,Luton,Slough,Aylesbury,Bicester,Banbury,Stevenage,Milton Keynes,High Wycombe,Oxford,Buckingham,Hemel Hempstead,Dunstable,Rugby,Coventry,Buckinghamshire,Northamptonshire,Bedfordshire,Hertfordshire,Oxfordshire
Swindon for
Wiltshire,Berkshire and Somerset